Tag: nfl draft

  • RUMOR: Sheldon & Shawn for 5th overall and Edwards

    Ok so the recent rumor that ESPN’s John Clayton reported was this.  Eagles are trading Sheldon Brown and Shawn Andrews to the Browns for the 5th overall draft pick as well as Braylon Edwards.  SAY WHAT?!?!?!  We would be getting the DEAL OF THE CENTUARY if that was to happen. Really lets come back down…

  • ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio thinks the Eagles…

    Are going to pull off the TRIFECTA.  Meaning he said earlier that he feels that the Eagles will be able to land Knowshawn Moreno at the #21 pick.  He also feels that the Eagles will either trade Sheldon Brown for Tony Gonzalez or trade their 3rd round pick for him.  He also feels that the…

  • Andre Smith Almost in Birds’ Reach

    Not doing himself any favors today has fired his Agent Alvin Keels. I can never do it any justice as Gary Cobb had put it, “Maybe Alabama’s Andre Smith wants to get less money in his signing bonus or he wants to play for the Eagles”. The reason this is a big deal is because…

  • Bill’s Peter’s IS available

    “The Buffalo Bills, locked in another contract squabble with left tackle Jason Peters, appear no closer to trading him than signing him, according to ESPN.com. While the Philadelphia Eagles have been mentioned as a potential trade partner with the Bills for Peters, there have been no dicussions between the two teams, according to the report.…