NFL players these days….

Ok some of you will agree and I’m sure a lot of you will disagree with this whole post here. But I need to get a couple of things off my chest here.

First you have 3 players. 3 players in BIG news. Vick, Stallworth, and Burress. 3 people that all did stupid things in society and royally screwed up their lives.

One shot himself in the leg – Burress
One killed dogs with his own hands – Vick (which I did not know until recent that he actually killed some himself)
One killed another human DUI – Stallworth

If you sit down and say which one is worse? Well being a practical human being and grounded most of you would say it in this order. From the WORST (as in he should get life in jail) to Not so Bad (slap on the wrist). #1 Stallworth. #2 Vick. #3 Burress.

I mean lets break it down a bit more here. Stallworth story, lets just sum it up. He went out, drank a bit too much was over the legal limit and hit a man while driving. Basically killing the man on the spot.
Vick story, lets sum this one up too. In charge (fiancially) of a dog fighting “group” if you will. In which if the dogs did not preform to a STANDARD they got shot / stabbed / drowned / choked very disturbing.
Burress story, lets sum this up too. Out dancing one night at a night club and somehow managed to SHOT HIMSELF in the DAMN LEG. I call it “pulling a Chedder Bob” if you saw the movie “8 mile” with Eminem than you would know what I’m talking about.

Ok so now that, that is clear lets take a look at what happened here.
Stallworth roughly 1 month in jail with a bunch of community service and all that fun jazz.
Vick spent his time in jail for 2 years (but served just shy of that).
Burress has been sentenced to 2 years in jail (we will see how that will turn out).

Now were not all fools here… we all know that if anyone of us “Joe Smoe’s” did this we would get the MAXIUM sentence. But since their “SPECIAL” people they get a special sentence I guess? This is where I get rather pissed off. What is wrong with today’s judicial system to say you can SHOOT yourself in the leg and get 2 years, or you can DRINK get DRUNK and run over a human being, killing him, and serve 1 month. As a parent, this disturbs me a lot. What does this message send to our children? Something is wrong here and needs to be done soon.

Whatever happened to the days when a child could have an idol that he looks up too and wants to be like? “Daddy I want to be like this person”, then that person goes out and does something like anyone of these three? How do you explain that to a kid that doesn’t know any better? And to even make matters worse our JUDICIAL system slaps him on the wrist. Please answer me as to what message this gives our youth?

Now I’m not saying that these people should be HUNG to death or anything of that nature. I very much support someone asking for forgiveness and them given a second chance. At the same time it will be hard for me to TRUST that person in any manor. Don’t get me wrong being a huge EAGLES fan I will cheer for Vick on the grid-iron, and I can only hope that he has righted himself and is on the correct path.

Its just a very hard pill to swallow for me personally. It’s so 50/50 with me, I’m sure I’ll be one of those that will praise him when he does good and boo’s him when he does bad. I know, I know, one of those but for these 3 they have put themselves in that position.

Please feel free to comment and let us know how you feel regarding this issue / topic



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